Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Shape of dream

The shape of dreams is a fascinating concept that encompasses the various forms and manifestations our dreams can take. Dreams can be elusive, abstract, and subjective, often defying traditional notions of shape and structure. However, when we delve into the realm of dreams, we discover that they can indeed possess distinct shapes and patterns that give them a unique identity.

 Amorphous Dreams:

Some dreams lack a discernible shape or form, appearing as a swirling mix of emotions, sensations, and fragmented images. These dreams often reflect the depths of our subconscious, exploring abstract concepts and buried emotions.

 Narrative Dreams:

Many dreams take on the shape of a story, complete with a beginning, middle, and end. These dreams often unfold like movies, with characters, settings, and plotlines that engage and captivate us. Narrative dreams can transport us to different worlds and provide us with an immersive experience.

 Symbolic Dreams:

Dreams often utilize symbols and metaphors to convey deeper meanings and messages. The shape of symbolic dreams lies in the significance of the images and symbols they present. Each symbol holds its own unique shape and connotation, allowing our subconscious to communicate with us in a profound and enigmatic manner.

 Recurring Dreams:

The shape of recurring dreams lies in their repetition. These dreams revisit us, presenting familiar themes, scenarios, or even characters. They often signify unresolved issues or emotions that require our attention and understanding.

 Lucid Dreams:

Lucid dreams possess a unique shape as they provide us with a sense of control and awareness within the dream state. In these dreams, we become conscious that we are dreaming and can actively participate, manipulate, or shape the dream's narrative as we wish.


Nightmares have a shape that elicits fear, anxiety, or distress. These dreams often manifest as threatening situations, terrifying creatures, or scenarios that tap into our deepest fears. The shape of nightmares serves as a powerful reminder of the emotional impact dreams can have on our well-being.

 Prophetic Dreams:

Prophetic dreams take the shape of glimpses into the future. They offer insights, premonitions, or intuitive guidance, often leaving a lasting impression and a sense of significance. The shape of these dreams lies in their ability to provide us with a sneak peek into events yet to come.

 Healing Dreams:

Dreams can take on the shape of a healing process. These dreams may involve resolution, reconciliation, or catharsis, allowing us to process and heal emotional wounds. The shape of healing dreams lies in their transformative power and the sense of relief or closure they bring.

 Epic Dreams:

Epic dreams are grand in scope, encompassing vast landscapes, epic battles, or extraordinary adventures. These dreams can be larger than life, stretching the boundaries of our imagination and taking us on exhilarating journeys.

 Meditative Dreams:

Meditative dreams possess a serene and tranquil shape. They can bring a sense of peace, introspection, and spiritual connection. These dreams may involve calming landscapes, spiritual encounters, or a deep sense of inner stillness.

 The shape of dreams is as diverse and intricate as the human mind itself. They can be formless and abstract, narratively structured, symbolic, or prophetic. Whether they provide escape, exploration, emotional release, or personal growth, dreams offer us a profound and limitless realm to explore and decipher. Embracing the shape of our dreams can unlock insights, creativity, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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