Monday, June 10, 2024

Feeling Foggy? What Is Brain Fog and How Can You Get Rid of It?


Brain fog isn’t a medical condition, but rather a generalized feeling of being unfocused, spaced out, and lacking mental clarity. It can be caused by any number of underlying health issues — including long COVID[1] — so you should definitely see a doctor if it’s become a chronic problem for you.

That said, we all get it from time to time, and it’s usually nothing to worry about. But that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable and inconvenient, especially when you’ve got stuff to do that requires your full attention.

If your doctor has ruled out any serious health concerns, it’s likely your brain just isn’t functioning at the peak of its performance capacity. Fortunately, there are a few things that can help you achieve the mental tune-up you need. (Consult your doctor before adopting an exercise regimen or taking a dietary supplement.) 

There’s nothing like fresh air and exercise — even a quick stroll through the park — to blow away the cobwebs. Studies have shown that physical activity improves cognitive function by reducing cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and that physical fitness promotes growth in the hippocampus — the part of the brain responsible for learning and memory.[2]

But we don’t need studies to tell us what we already know through common sense. Your brain is an organ like any other; it needs a good supply of oxygenated blood to be at the top of its game, and a brisk walk in nature is a tried-and-true way to fill your lungs with clean air and get your heart pumping.

When it comes to brain fog, most people haven’t the foggiest idea what to do about it. Fortunately, having read this blog, you’re not one of them!

Of all the fog-fighting methods, you should definitely try getting more exercise first. But if you’re still battling with brain fog, and your doctor gives the go-ahead, natural nootropics like L-theanine, mangiferin, and salidroside are showing real promise as potent brain-boosters that can help improve mental clarity when you need it most.

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